Exotic Pop Mac Dre Bubblegum Thizzle Pop
Regular price $48.00Shipping rates are NOT INCLUDED, please contact (713)-425-3767 for additional shipping details
Andre Louis Hicks better known by his stage name Dre, was an American
rapper and record producer based in Vallejo, California. He was instrumental
in the emergence of hyphy, a cultural movement on the Bay Area hip-hop
scene that emerged in the early 2000s. Hicks fueled its popularity into
mainstream by releasing songs with fast-paced rhymes and baselines that
inspired a new style of dance. As the founder of the independent record
label, Thizz Entertainmrnt, Mac Dre recorded dozens of albums and gave
local aspiring rappers an outlet to release albums.
Mac Dre served time after he was sentenced to five years in federal
prison for refusing to implicate his friends in a robbery that did not occur.
During this time, he recorded an album over the Fresno County Jail inmate
telephone which made him want to make music that was easy to dance
to. The Oakland-born rapper and producer was famous for coining the
phrase “feeling myself” and introducing the world to the “thizzle” dance.
It has been 12 years since Mac Dre’s passing, however he is still very
much a legend in the Bay Area. Dre rapped lucid, earnest, and funny tales
that inspired a generation of rappers to adopt and master his style. People
associate Mac Dre with the Bay so, that they forget he has fans all over
the world.
Exotic pop shares strong presence in the Vallejo, West Coast area making
this product a no brainer. Bubblegum Thizzle Pop is an original, and
unmistakable classic flavor to enjoy. You can’t blow big pink bubbles after
sipping on this Hyphy soda but it sure tastes like you can.